A great way to reward yourself for exercising is to make yourself a "tip jar" and put a designated amount of money into the jar after each workout (for example 50 cents or a dollar).  Save up for a new pair of shoes, some new clothes, a set of dumbells, a pedicure... you name it!  Just remember, you wouldn't tip a server at a restaurant after they provide you with lousy service, so make sure your workouts count and you EARN YOUR MONEY!  :-)
This quote speaks for itself.  What are you going to change today to make tomorrow better?
How about right here?   Everyone can typically see a start and an endpoint with their health goals, but as we push through from start to finish we sometimes get lost in the middle "grey" area.  When we get to this point we can do 1 of 2 things: turn around and head right back to where we started, OR we can do the best with what we've got and keep moving forward.

What will your next move be when you are stuck in the middle area?

Grab a glass of water?  Healthy snack?  Take a 5-10 minute stretching break?  Go for a walk?  Do 10 push-ups during a commercial break?

Whatever it is you choose to do, the important thing is you keep going.  "Begin anywhere," and when you hit a roadblock simply begin again from where you're at.  Take a deep breath and keep moving forward.

This picture says it all.  No matter what kind of day yesterday was, today's a new day.  Don't sweat the small stuff-- Take a deep breath and seize the day!


    Patti and Rikki created this site in hopes that Healthy Living 360 class members will take advantage of it as a communication tool and to get as much out of class as possible! 


    January 2013
    October 2012
    September 2012

